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Lions Clubs Centennial

Redlands Centre

The Redlands Centre in Banbury offers day care for adults who need it.

Banbury Lions helped overhaul their garden adding new raised beds. 

See more at 

Redlands Garden Project

2017 saw us turn 100, and around the world Lions celebrated. 

Our founder, Melvyn Jones

Melvyn Jones founded Lions Clubs in 1917 in Chicago. Soon after, Lions Clubs spread around the world, including to the UK in 1950. Around the world, Lions are celebrating in 2017 by engaging in a number of activities.

Donate to Banbury Lions Charity Account

Business Meeting
1st Tuesday of the month @ 7:30pm
Whately Hall Hotel, 17-19 Horse Fair, Banbury OX16 0AN

CIO Registered Charity Number 1191007
Telephone0345 833 2924