Welcome to the Banbury Lions Club website.
Ordinary people doing amazing things!
Click on the below to donate to our charity account.
We are a local service club and registered CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) Charity Commission number 1191007.
We have our main business meeting at 7:30pm on the first Tuesday evening of the month at the Whately Hall Hotel in Banbury (Refer to Home - Useful Links).
We are a club of men and women who want to put something back into the local community.
If you are interested in becoming a Lion and want to help the local and international community please complete the Contact Us page. Enquiries are always welcome.
We have committees who meet to discuss;
Fundraising Events, Welfare Requests and Social Activities.
The Peter Taylor Braces Award
Peter Taylor was a charter member of Banbury Lions (a member when the club was founded and chartered), and had a reputation for being a 'belt and braces' Lion.
When he passed away, his cherished braces were turned into an award, to be presented to a Lion who demonstrates excellence in the pursuit of Lions goals, within the gift of the serving Lion President.